Busy Dream Explanation — (Involved; Occupied) Seeing oneself busy in a dream means marriage to a virgin girl, interfering in others business, or changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship.
Occupied Dream Explanation — (See Busy)
Pudenda Dream Explanation — • Taking off one’s clothes while busy doing something: The dreamer is persevering and will reach his objective.
• Seeing oneself without clothes and with the genitals apparent: The dreamer will overwhelm one’s enemies at that spot. If the genitals are covered, it would not be so. More, in case the dreamer himself had covered his pudendum with anything or simply with his hand, he would be taken by force to these enemies, but escape from them.
• Being naked while asking for something: The dreamer will get what he wants inasmuch as he was naked (though nakedness for no purpose or without being busy doing anything means hardships, disobedience, and disgrace).
• The pudendum being apparent without the dreamer looking at it or feeling ashamed or anyone paying attention to it: An ordeal will be over, be it a loan, a debt, some kind of fear, or a worry of any sort.
• Wearing nothing but an apron round the waist: The dreamer is a real zealot.
• Seeing oneself without clothes and with the genitals apparent: The dreamer will overwhelm one’s enemies at that spot. If the genitals are covered, it would not be so. More, in case the dreamer himself had covered his pudendum with anything or simply with his hand, he would be taken by force to these enemies, but escape from them.
• Being naked while asking for something: The dreamer will get what he wants inasmuch as he was naked (though nakedness for no purpose or without being busy doing anything means hardships, disobedience, and disgrace).
• The pudendum being apparent without the dreamer looking at it or feeling ashamed or anyone paying attention to it: An ordeal will be over, be it a loan, a debt, some kind of fear, or a worry of any sort.
• Wearing nothing but an apron round the waist: The dreamer is a real zealot.
Bead Dream Explanation — • Scattered beads of various colours: Your mind is busy.
• Aligned beads of various colours: (1) Sorrow for the corrupt. (2) Money for the virtuous.
• Piercing beads: Will deflower or marry a virgin.
• Swallowing beads: Wisdom.
• Aligned beads of various colours: (1) Sorrow for the corrupt. (2) Money for the virtuous.
• Piercing beads: Will deflower or marry a virgin.
• Swallowing beads: Wisdom.
Involved Dream Explanation — (Occupied) Seeing oneself involved or busy in a dream means a marriage to a virgin girl, or interfering in others business, or it could mean changing one’s profession. If the new job is satisfactory in the dream, then it means prosperity, marriage, children, or worship.
Satan Dream Explanation — • Being touched by a party of devils as the dreamer is busy mentioning God: He has plenty of enemies who are after his blood in view of the Quranic verse: “Lo! those who ward off (evil), when a glamour from the Devil troubleth them, they do but remember (Allah’s guidance) and behold them seers!” (“Al-Aaraf’ [The Heights], verse 201.)
• Satan appearing happy, elated: The dreamer is giving way to his own passions.
• Satan appearing happy, elated: The dreamer is giving way to his own passions.
Shoe Dream Explanation — The shoe, sandal, sole, et cetera, symbolizes: (1) A wife or a pious woman. (2) A boy. (3) A friend. (4) A partner. (5) An animal. (6) A journey. (7) A brother.
• Buying a pair of shoes without using them: Will buy a slave girl or marry a free woman whose color or character will be as reflected by the color of the shoes. (1) Green shoes: The woman will be religious and virtuous. (2) Black shoes: She will be rich. (3) Yellow shoes: She will be ill. (4) Red shoes: She will be coquettish, always busy with her makeup, adornment, et cetera.
• Shoes with a silver sole: A free and beautiful woman.
• Buying a pair of shoes without using them: Will buy a slave girl or marry a free woman whose color or character will be as reflected by the color of the shoes. (1) Green shoes: The woman will be religious and virtuous. (2) Black shoes: She will be rich. (3) Yellow shoes: She will be ill. (4) Red shoes: She will be coquettish, always busy with her makeup, adornment, et cetera.
• Shoes with a silver sole: A free and beautiful woman.